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Why I Created Sensitive Sales

I used to go into sales calls mentally chanting, “Please say yes! Please say yes!” — crossing fingers and armed with a laundry list of benefits and evidence in case I got any glimmer that they may not be convinced yet.

Even when my “close rate” got better, I was dealing with people who wanted different payment options, paid late, or would straight-up ghost me halfway through our work!

I was in constant fear that if I didn’t keep showing them the value of our work together, they’d back out, and then I’d have to repeat the whole cycle over again!

I didn’t realize that the WAY I was talking to my audience and leads was setting me up to field lots of calls and inquiries from people who were “shopping around” or “thinking about it.”

Fast forward to today. My 1:1 roster is full… of people who I never had a sales call with. I have a grand total of maybe 3 actual sales call per quarter… two of which are people who are ready to sign a contract when they BOOK the call. I get emails and messages from prospective clients telling me, “Ok, it’s time! Where do I sign up?” Or emails from referrals that say, “Four different people have told me I need to work with you. How do we make that happen?” It’s been at least two years since a one-on-one client wasn’t able to pay, and my clients respect and value our work.

I want to teach you what I learned the hard way… that you can create sales:

  • without “overcoming objections”
  • without piles of sales calls from unqualified, not-ideal buyers
  • without feeling like *you* are the one being interviewed, jumping through hoops to look and sound “impressive”
  • without a roster of clients that are demanding, questioning of my expertise, unable to pay, or not ready and willing to hold up their end of our relationship
  • without feeling like the only way to have the income (and life!) of my choosing is to be pushy, pestering, or manipulative

I want YOU to experience sales as a simple and empowering process for yourself AND your buyers (and yes, make bank 💰)!

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